20 Gennaio 2025

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results: 1-12 / 29
Deltacque on the ITA virtual showcase
17-05-2024 14:59 - Depuration news
Deltacque is present on the virtual showcase of ITA - Italian Trade Agency.

ITA - Italian Trade Agency is the Governmental agency that supports the business development of our companies abroad and promotes the attraction of foreign investment in Italy.
With a motivated and modern organization and a...
Deltacque, friends for the skin (and the environment)
17-03-2023 17:07 Source: Il Mondo - Depuration news
From the wastewater of a tannery, the experience to give new life to the most precious resource.

It all stems from an intuition, from the ability to observe a supply chain that led Roberto Lupo, the founder of Deltacque Srl, to anticipate the environmental problems that the leather industry (and n...
DeltAcque: circular economy epplied to the tanning process
28-02-2023 16:47 Source: Il Tirreno - Depuration news
[deltacque il tirreno]
The article published in the local newspaper "Il Tirreno" illustrates DeltAcque's activity in the design and sale of water treatment plants and solid waste both in Italy and abroad.
Deltacque proposes integrated systems with tanning production that reduce the pollution of waste and solid waste to ...
Leader: Marco Columbro interviews Roberto Lupo
10-02-2023 16:05 Source: business24tv.it/leader/ - Depuration news
Marco Columbro in his program on Business 24 presents the "leading" entrepreneurs and managers of their sector.
Roberto Lupo was invited to the program to illustrate DeltAcque's activity in the design and sale of water treatment plants and solid waste both in Italy and abroad.
For over 40 years Rob...
05-12-2022 16:40 Source: www.ice.it - Depuration news
Mr. Roberto Lupo, as owner of Deltcque Srl, will participate on 06th December 2022 from the 14.00 to the WEBINAR AND DIGITAL B2B – ECONOMIC-COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITIES BETWEEN ITALY ANS PARAGUAY IN THE SIGN OF SUSTAINABILITY “Towards a circular economic model”.

An appointment dedicated to the theme o...
Style America Magazine
28-09-2022 14:30 Source: Style America: Materiales, Tendencias y Tecnologia - Depuration news
[Style America Magazine ]
During an interview with Style America Magazine, Andrea Ciulli explains the wastewater treatment processes in the fashion industry, particularly in the leather tanning process, where the aim is to achieve greater sustainability and reduce contamination.

Recently Deltacque, which has been operating...
Deltacque is a new member of ACIK
26-05-2021 11:11 Source: ccik.kz/en/introducing-interview-with-deltacque-srl-acik-member/ - Depuration news
Deltacque is happy to announce that it has joined the ACIK association. The Italo-Kazakh Trade Association is an association of Italian and local entrepreneurs, professionals and non-profit organizations that works to promote the internationalization of companies and helps them in the commercial ...
"Contágiate de nuestra Nueva Filosofía” presentation of the new philosophy of the Curtiduria Tungurahua tannery
26-04-2021 09:47 Source: www.linkedin.com - Depuration news
[Roberto Lupo andrea ciulli depurazione]
Deltacque is proud to announce that on 22 April 2021, on the occasion of Earth Day, the new environmental philosophy of the "Curtiduria Tungurhaua" tannery was presented on Zoom with the presence of a special guest: the designer Felipe Fiallo.
In this process of change, the role of Deltacque was f...
“Tubone”, the first 10 kilometers of pipeline laid.
17-09-2020 16:04 Source: www.gonews.it, www.ilcuoioindiretta.it, www.lanazione.it - Depuration news
At the end of July began the first works for the construction of the "Tubone", the maxi-sewer collector that, once fully operational, will convey the wastewater arriving at the Pieve a Nievole treatment plant up to the Aquarno treatment plant, in Santa Croce sull'Arno, passing through Monsummano ...
Presentation of the Caravan RC Plant
01-04-2020 11:23 Source: yadi.sk - Depuration news
[Deltacque caravan russia]
Another plant designed and commissioned by DeltAcque. We are talking about the plant of the Caravan RC tannery, specific for the treatment of liming baths containing sulphides which will ensure compliance with the discharge limits relating to sulphides.
The project foresees the specific treatment ...
News about ACQUA 360
12-09-2019 17:34 Source: La Nazione, La Conceria, Gonews - Depuration news
On Friday 6th September, 20 chemistry professors had the opportunity to visit the Aquarno plants in Santa Croce sull'Arno.
The group was part of the 90 teachers who from 4th to 7th September participated in the articulated calendar of works promoted within the IV National School of Chemistry at t...
İZBAŞ IZMIR, the city's pride wastewater treatment plant
12-07-2019 11:01 Source: gazeteyenigun.com.tr - Depuration news
[DeltAcque impianto Roberto Lupo]
İZBAŞ İzmir is another wastewater treatment plant designed by DeltAcque thanks to which the smell problem was solved.
The İZBAŞ İzmir Free Zone, which has attracted the attention of national and foreign investors with its infrastructure, quality of service, advantages, adequacy of investment cost...
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