21 Febbraio 2025
Tannery wastewater purification process

Purification process of the wastewater

Depuration of tannery wastewater Depuration of tannery wastewater
The most common plants for the purification of the tannery wastewater are the suspended biomass ones, consisting of the nitrification and denitrification processes for nitrogen removal.

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Treatment of the tannery wastewater

Purification process of the tannery wastewater Purification process of the tannery wastewater
The heart of the process, selected by DeltAcque after its long experience, is the biological application.
It offers the following advantages:

  • The minor sludge production;
  • The reduction of the chemical products utilized;
  • The abatement of the electrical consumption;
  • The increase of the general efficiency of the treatment;
  • The simplification of the plant management;
  • The possibility to recycle the waste material.

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