21 Febbraio 2025
Purification system for industrial wastewater

Wastewater purification

Roberto lupo deltacque
The industrial wastewater treatment consists of a succession of stages (or processes) during which the undesidered substances are removed, concentrated in the form of sludge, resulting so a final effluent having a good quality for the receiving body (river or sea).

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Wastewater treatment plant Wastewater treatment plant
The treatment utilized for the wastewater purification is briefly the following:

  • Biological oxidation of the water to degrade the polluting organic substances (COD, BOD5)
  • Sedimentation and sludge recirculation
  • Biological/chemical treatment of the sludge
  • Sludge dehydration
  • Discharge of the water into the river or into the sewerage
  • Sending of the dehydrated sludge in the dump, to the reuse in the agriculture field or to the drying process/incineration.

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