12 Marzo 2025
Tanning water treatment

The solution of Deltacque for the tannery wastewater

Tannery wastewater treatment plant Tannery wastewater treatment plant
The solution adopted by Deltacque for the tannery wastewater treatment plants is the most natural existing treatment : the biological process of the industrial/civil wastewater (microbial fermentation of mixed type).

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Biological process of the tannery wastewater

Tannery waste water treatment Tannery waste water treatment
In the biological process the bacteria “feed on the pollutants” contained in the water and transform them into sludge, object of a series of further treatments before its discharge or its reuse in the agricultural or industrial field.
According to the national/local laws which set out to the depuration limits, the treated water is discharged into the sewerage system or in rivers, lakes, sea or else it can be reused in the production, depending on the client needs.

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