22 Febbraio 2025
Industrial wastewater treatment plants

Deltacque has ten years experience in industrial wastewater treatment plant

Industrial wastewater treatment plant in Santa Croce sull´Arno (PI) Industrial wastewater treatment plant in Santa Croce sull´Arno (PI)
During more than 30 years of activity, DeltAcque has been planning and realizing a large number of industrial waste water treatement plant in various countries around the world.

Wastewater treatment plant

Industrial wastewater treatement plant Industrial wastewater treatement plant
In the biological process the bacteria “feed on the pollutants” contained in the water and transform them into sludge, object of a series of further treatments before its discharge or its reuse in the agricultural or industrial field.
The heart of the process, selected by DeltAcque after its long experience in industrial waste water treatment plant, is the biological application. It offers the following advantages:

· The minor sludge production;
· The reduction of the chemical products utilized;
· The abatement of the electrical consumption;
· The increase of the general efficiency of the treatment;
· The simplification of the plant management;
· The possibility to recycle the waste material.

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