21 Febbraio 2025
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Birth and Development

Roberto lupo deltacque
The owner of DELTACQUE society, Roberto Lupo, began his work experience in 1973 at a waste water treatment plant of a tannery, where he was the person in charge of the laboratory, effecting process tests and water discharges control.

In 1976 in Italy came into force the Merli's law, concerning the water discharges. This law imposed new parameters and conditions for regulation of the urban and industrial discharges.

In 1977 the law was applied on the waste water treatment plants, both in Italy and in the foreign countries, in many sectors as oenology, tanning, textile.

In 1979 was founded the Studio Delta company, based on the planning of waste water treatment plants, technical management of the plants, laboratory, analysis of the air emissions in the atmosphere, bureaucratic and organizational advicing.
The "STUDIO DELTA" company worked in Italy until 1988, when the requests from the foreign countries allow the expansion of the company abroad, in planning and advicing.

The objective was, and is still today, to recover the discharge parameters provided for by the law, controlling the treatment expenditures and facilitating the plant management with integrations in the production process. To obtain the improvement of the economic and technical results, the company always tests new technologies to apply the most reliable.

In 2005, from the Studio Delta society, borns DELTACQUE Srl. The new company attends to the purification of civil and industrial waste water, basing its work on the previous experience and focusing its objective on the costumer problems and requests.

Nowadays, Deltacque Srl is a worldwide appreciated company. Its work develops efficient solutions in tanning, textile, alimentary, papermaking, civil, chemical and pharmaceutical, agricultural and zootechnical sector, always thinking at first at the economic and technical needs of the customer and the respect for the environment

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