News about Acqua 360
11-07-2018 11:04 - Depuration news

The “Nazione” talks again about DeltAcque and the "Acqua 360" research project. In the local edition of Friday 6 July 2018, the article mentions DeltAcque and its partners "Acqua 360" project (Aquarno, Poteco, Archa Laboratories, San Lorenzo, Settebello, Victoria tanneries) that are experiencing one of the most evident results of the so called "Tubone": purify and refine civil wastewater and then re-use them in tanneries. A further step in the progressive realization of the “Tubone” will be the new tanks for the accumulation of meteoric water from the Aquarno water treatment plant in Santa Croce, which will start operating next autumn. The final objective of this great operation will be to completely replace the water currently extracted from the subsoil with those recovered from the treatment.
Source: La Nazione
Source: La Nazione