12 Marzo 2025
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YEAR OF INTERVENTION 1985 ( installation and management) 1999 (2° lot) 2004-05 (3° lot)

DELTACQUE typology of action
- Feasibility Study
- Definitive and Executive project
- Machinery supply
- Plant start-up
- Technical management
- Laboratory management, analysis of control

Aims of the action
- Pre-treatment and treatment of the tanning wastewater
- Passage from a chemical-physical plant to all biological
- Biological sedimentation treatment
- Sludge treatment
- Chrome and liming treatment plant

Plant capacity
- Leather production 30 T/day
- Hydraulic capacity of the plant: 1.000 m³/day
- Chrome recovery plant: 50 m³/day
- Liming recovery plant: 50 m³/day

Waste Water features
Volume m³/day
Inlet: 1.000 Outlet: 1.000
C.O.D. mg/l
Inlet: 10.000 Outlet: 800
B.O.D. mg/l
Inlet: 7.000 Outlet: 300
Sulphides mg/l
Inlet: 100 Outlet: 0,5
Cr 3+ mg/l
Inlet: 50 Outlet: 2
NH4 mg/l
Inlet: 300 Outlet: 0,5
Inlet: 9-10 Outlet: 7-8

NB: The apparently high outlet values do not constitute a problem because the wastewater is then sent to treatment plant consortium.

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