Four Ethiopian Tanneries Upgrade Water Treatment Systems
03-05-2019 10:48 - Depuration news

DeltAcque is happy to announce that four tanneries operating in Ethiopia, Abyssinia, Awash, Batu and New Wing tanneries, completed the construction of secondary water treatment plants in a bid to bring their discharged effluent up to an environmentally acceptable level. Another three tanneries are also in the process of installing wastewater treatment plants. As reported on and also tannery, Addis Abeba Tannery, is in the piloting stage of such a treatment plant, while Wallia Tannery is undergoing construction of its treatment facility and Dire Tannery awaits the Commission's approval. DeltAcque collaborated in the design of most of these plants.
The Environmental Protection & Green Development Commission's warned the seven tanneries to construct secondary water treatment plants within six months last year.
Before this, all the tanneries had primary water treatment plants that filter and treat hazardous chemicals and heavy elements before discharge into rivers.
The secondary wastewater treatment plants operate using microorganisms, primarily bacteria, to further clean the discharge. The microorganisms convert biodegradable organic matter contained in wastewater into substances that are safe for the environment, according to Tatek Yirga, president of the Ethiopian Leather Industries Association and owner of Batu Tannery.
Tatek adds that civil work, installation of machinery and piloting took his tannery six months.
Secondary treatment plants were not only required of these seven companies. Recently, four tanneries located in Modjo were suspended by the Oromia Environment, Forest & Climate Authority until they built such plants.
Secondary wastewater treatment plants have become one of the chief requirements buyers in export markets look for.
Zinabu Gebremariam, senior researcher of environment and founding president of Hawassa University, lauds the adoption of secondary treatment plants but stresses that a stringent system has to be in place to monitor the discharge to the environment consistently.