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Portuguese delegation visiting Santa Croce sull´Arno (PI)

16-01-2015 - Events
Roberto Lupo Giulia Deidda Mayor of Santa Croce sull´Arno (PI) - Hugo André Silva Ferreira Santarém City Councilor of Alcanena
The Portuguese delegation interest to visit Santa Croce sull´Arno arose from the work effected in Alcanena by Deltacque, that recently supplied the Executive Project, the machinery and the technical assistance for the local consortium plant streamlining.
Deltacque´s manager, Roberto Lupo, is both the Portuguese structure and the Santa Croce W.W.T.P. (Aquarno) consultant; this cooperation has put the jurisdiction of Alcanena on to the correspondent institutes of Santa Croce, with the aim to develop a collaboration that can become in the future a twinning between the two cities and the local industrial organizations.
In fact, the similar environmental problems, and the skill achieved in Santa Croce to deal with them and solve the problem of the environment pollution, gave to the Alcanena jurisdiction delegates the reason to visit the wastewater and solid residual material treatment plants.

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