21 Febbraio 2025

Waste Water Recovery Plant

Roberto Lupo deltacque
The concept of "recovery" has become more and more concrete, especially in recent years, during which it was necessary to create a valid alternative to the definition of "waste", prompting the inevitable production of waste material, arising from the industrial sector, towards an increasingly valuable synergistic integration in the surrounding environment.

We no longer speak of waste as "material to get rid" but of "recycled material", provided that the chemical and physical properties of recovered materials are appropriate for further use.
And tanning industry is a case where the concentrations of reagents in the process are often very high; here appropriate treatment can re-use the exhaust bath through a "recovery sistem" that restores, with simple and low cost, the main properties of the reagents used, which are then reintegrated into the production cycle.

Many plants of this type were made by DELTACQUE to recover chrome and sulphide used in tanning industry: the recovery of these reagents is almost complete and the reintegration into the production cycle shows a strong economic return given by the savings of the fresh reagent quantities used, the rates of any discharges into the final output, a better control of the production process due to the continuous monitoring of discharges, and an important lower environmental impact.

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